General questions

How do I start? Do I need to pay?

You don't need to pay or provide your credit card details to start using Getsitecontrol. Once you sign up, you automatically start with our Free plan.

I'm not a developer. Is Getsitecontrol difficult to install?

Not at all! We will give you a small piece of code to add to the code of your website. It's similar to how you would install a Google Analytics script. If you have never done this before, we have detailed step-by-step guides to walk you through the entire process.

Will I need to edit my website's code often?

No, you won't. You will only need to do it once when setting up the account. After the initial installation, you will be able to edit, create and publish widgets with a click of a button in your Getsitecontrol dashboard.

How many widgets can I create?

As many as you need. There are no limitations on the number of widgets you can create and publish on your website.

Can I use Getsitecontrol on my clients' websites?

Yes, you are free to use Getsitecontrol widgets on websites you are building or managing for your clients. You can easily manage multiple websites under one account.

Do you offer an API?

Yes, we do. Find out how you can use it to send collected data to third-party applications, display widgets based on link clicks and more in the Developer documentation.

Can I integrate Getsitecontrol with Google Analytics?

Yes, you can. Integrate your Getsitecontrol account with Google Analytics and all widget actions will be sent as custom events to your GA dashboard.

What website platforms does it work on?

Getsitecontrol works on every website platform you can think of. Plus, there is a dedicated app for Shopify, a WordPress plugin, and a Wix app.

GDPR & Data Processing

What data do the widgets collect from website visitors?

In addition to the form fields you configure, all Getsitecontrol widgets collect a visitor's location, OS, browser and device type. Note that it's forbidden to collect sensitive personal data using Getsitecontrol forms.

Can I sign a DPA with you?

We've eliminated the need to sign a data processing agreement by incorporating the Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) into the Getsitecontrol Terms of Service. CCSs offer sufficient safeguards to protect user data when it's transferred internationally, and they've been validated by the EU Court of Justice.

Can I collect 'explicit consent' for data processing using widgets?

Yes, you can collect explicit consent from your website visitors when you capture their data. To do that, simply add a mandatory consent checkbox to your Getsitecontrol forms. This way, your visitors won't be able to submit any information without providing explicit consent to data processing. Click here to read more detailed instructions.

For how long do you store collected data?

By default, all the data in your account is stored for as long as the account exists. After you delete your account, the data is stored for 30 days and then it gets permanently deleted. If you need some of your account data deleted sooner, let us know.

What about the right to be forgotten, the right to object, etc.?

If you receive a request to erase or rectify personal data processed by Getsitecontrol, simply contact us. We have the tools to accommodate such requests.

Where do you store data?

All data is stored on secure Amazon servers. The servers are located in the US.

Pricing & Payments

How much does it cost?

We offer three subscription plans: Free, Pro ($19/month), and Pro Max ($29/month). All plans include branding-free widgets, integrations, built-in templates and live-chat support. You can learn more about the plans on our Pricing page.

Can I switch between plans after I've signed up for one?

Sure! You can add extra sites, switch between plans, as well as between monthly and annual billing. If you change your plan in the middle of a billing period, any unused balance will be carried over to future billing periods.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept PayPal payments and all major credit cards.

Do you offer any other discounts?

Yes, you can save up to 25% when choosing an annual subscription.

How can I get a receipt for my payment?

You can download receipts for any of your payments in the Billing section of your account.

Do you have an agency plan?

No, we don't have a special plan for agencies. However, all three subscription plans allow you to create widgets for multiple websites, add multiple users to your account and restrict their access rights. This makes Getsitecontrol a perfect tool for agencies.

How many websites can I add to my account?

You can add several sites in the Billing section of your account. Keep in mind that our prices are per site. All sites in an account will have the same billing plan, e.g. Pro (5 sites) plan.

What happens if my widgets reach the views limit?

When the number of views has reached the limit allowed on your plan, your widgets will stop being displayed on your website. You will still have full access to your account and its data. On the reset date, your widgets will start displaying again.