How to install widgets on Tumblr

How to install widgets on Tumblr

Getsitecontrol is an intuitive popup-building and email marketing platform designed with non-techies in mind.

It allows you to display pop-up and inline widgets on your website as well as create email marketing automations.

To be able to display Getsitecontrol widgets on your Tumblr blog, you first need to add a small piece of code (script) to the code of your blog.

This will connect the Getsitecontrol app to your blog. From there, you can create and edit widgets from the Getsitecontrol dashboard with the results being applied to your blog right away.

You’ll only need to add the script once.

Here’s what the process looks like, step by step.

1. Sign in to Getsitecontrol

First, sign in to your Getsitecontrol account and switch to the All widgets tab.

The ‘All widgets’ section in the Getsitecontrol dashboard

2. Copy the code

Next, click the red Install code button at the top of the page:

The red ‘Install code’ button

Copy the script from the tooltip popup by clicking the Copy to clipboard button:

Clicking the ‘Copy to clipboard’ button

If you can’t find the Install code button in the All widgets tab, open the Sites section of your dashboard.

Opening the ‘Sites’ section

You’ll see the Install code button next to your website. Use it to proceed with the above-described steps:

The ‘Install code’ button in the ‘Sites’ section

It’s now time to add the script you’ve copied to your Tumblr blog.

3. Add the script to the code of your blog

Log in to your Tumblr account, click the Account icon in the top right corner, and choose Settings.

The Account icon and Settings section in the Tumblr homepage

Select your blog and click the Edit theme button.

The Edit Theme button

Click Edit HTML in the top-left corner.

The Edit HTML button in Tumblr’s Theme editor

Paste the script you have copied from your Getsitecontrol dashboard right before the closing </body> tag at the very bottom of the page.

The Getsitecontrol installation script before the </body> tag

Click Update Preview and then Save.

The Save button at the top of the page

That's it! Now you can go back to your Getsitecontrol dashboard and create widgets for your Tumblr blog.

❗If you’ve followed the steps above but continue seeing the ‘Code snippet is not installed’ message in your Getsitecontrol dashboard, chances are the system just needs more time to verify the code.

The error message doesn’t affect the functioning of the platform in any way, and as soon as you create and publish your first widget, the message will disappear on its own.

If you don’t see widgets on your website even after installing the code and activating them, please contact our Tech Support team.

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