How to use skip logic and branching

Skip logic and branching is a feature that allows you to create forms where each subsequent page adapts to your respondents’ input. For example, based on the answers they give to a survey question, they’ll see a different follow-up question or a different form completion page.

When you use this feature, the content your respondents see on each page is more personalized, and you’re more likely to see higher form engagement rates.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to use Getsitecontrol’s skip logic and branching to create responsive, personalized forms and collect smarter insights.

Let’s walk you through the process, step by step.

1. Manage form pages

Skip logic and branching is a transition between form pages that is based on conditions of your choice. So, as a first step, you’ll learn how to manage form pages: how to create them, rename them, and change their order in the form.

For starters, log in to your Getsitecontrol account and start creating your form. You can start from scratch scratch or choose a template as a base.

Next, go to the Pages section of the dashboard.

The Pages section in the Getsitecontrol dashboard

To add a new page to your form, click the +Add page button:

The +Add page button in the Pages section

You can change the order of the pages you’ve created by clicking on the blue line on their side and dragging them where you want them to be:

Changing the order of the form pages

Next, rename all of your form pages so you can easily recognize them when you start setting up your skip logic and branching structure.

Renaming the form page

Here is what the renamed form pages look like in our case:

List of renamed form pages in the Pages section of the widget editor

In the next step, you’ll see how to add fields to your form.

2. Create form fields

For each page, adjust the text and proceed to add the necessary fields and action buttons:

Adding fields and buttons to the page

In a form where you want to use skip logic and branching, you’d typically pick rating fields, radio buttons, dropdown lists, or checkboxes as your form fields.

Rating fields, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and checkboxes in the field menu

Once you’ve added all the fields, rename the form field IDs and response option IDs as described below.

💡 Renaming field IDs and option IDs of your form will help you set up your skip logic and branching structure. Also, it’ll make the statistics report for the form easier to read, because you won’t have to memorize the meaning of each response option.

Here’s how to rename form field IDs:

Renaming the field ID

And how to rename response option IDs within form fields:

Renaming the Option ID

3. Set up the skip logic and branching structure

You’ll find the skip logic and branching settings at the button level. For each button that leads to a subsequent form page — i.e. that has a ‘Submit/Go to page’ action assigned — you’ll have to choose what happens next.

To open the Skip logic and branching settings, click on the relevant button in the widget preview and hit Edit in the ‘Actions’ section:

Editing the ‘Submit/Go to page’ action

By default, all buttons with a ‘Submit/Go to page’ action follow the linear page order. This means that they always take respondents to the following page in the original page order.

The default ‘Linear page order’ setting

If you select ‘Skip logic and branching’ instead, you’ll be able to set up your own rules for displaying the subsequent pages of the form.

To get started, click on the conditions tab (‘Always’) and select the form field ID:

Choosing the condition for branching

Proceed to select a condition from the dropdown menu. Choose ‘any of’ to include the following response(s) or ‘none of’ to exclude them.

The available conditions in the dropdown menu

Next, select one or more response option(s) for the field:

Selecting one or more response options

Finally, choose the page where the button should take the respondents if they fulfill the condition:

Choosing the page the button will open if the condition is fulfilled

With the same steps, you can create conditions for other response options. Just click the + Add condition button to create a new branch:

Adding more conditions to the branching structure

Once your setup is complete, click OK.

Example of complete setup

In our example, if respondents select ‘Good’ or ‘Needs improvement’ on the first page of the form, they’ll see an additional follow-up question. Then, they’ll land on the ‘Thank you’ page, regardless of their answer to the follow-up question.

To set the button to open a specific page in the form, regardless of the page order and the answer to the form fields, leave the default condition ‘Always’ and select the target page from the dropdown list:

Setting up skip logic for the button

In the dropdown list, along with your form pages, you’ll find one more option: ‘Finish here’. If you select it, the button will simply submit the collected data and go back to the first page of the form.

The ‘Finish here’ option in the skip logic and branching settings

If you have multiple pages with response options, you’ll need to repeat the process for each submission button in your form.

Once you are done setting up the form, click Save & close. Your form with skip logic and branching is now ready.

Let’s now take a look at more use cases for the new feature.

4. Use cases

You can use skip logic and branching on a variety of forms, including, but not limited to:

  • Feedback forms
  • Survey forms
  • Contact forms
  • Order forms
  • Product filters

We’ve already shown you how it works in a feedback form, so below, you’ll find more examples.

Survey form

Let’s suppose you’re using a survey form to find out what’s preventing people from purchasing in your store.

Once a visitor selects an option, you can suggest a corresponding solution to their objection. For example, you can provide a discount if the price is their main concern:

Example of page with discount offer in the survey form

Another common type of survey that can be enhanced with skip logic and branching is the NPS survey. Here’s an example:

Depending on the selected rating, respondents will see different follow-up questions. For instance, you can ask those who’ve selected anything between 1 and 5, how you could have improved their experience:

Example of follow-up question in the NPS survey form

Product filter

Product filters help your potential customers find what they are looking for on your website.

This pop-up product filter offers a discount code and points to the right section of the store depending on the answer to the question on the first page:

Example of page with discount and directions to the right section of the website

Contact form

Skip logic and branching can help you create a more personalized and specific contact form. Here’s an example:

After choosing the type of service they’re interested in, respondents will answer follow-up questions that vary depending on the option selected.

Example of follow-up questions in the contact form

Such form organization will allow you to gather all the information you need without asking your prospects questions that are irrelevant to their query.

That concludes our overview of the skip logic and branching feature. If you need help setting up your forms, feel free to reach out to our Tech Support team, we’ll be happy to guide you.

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