7 Product Launch Emails from Under-the-Radar Brands

7 Product Launch Emails from Under-the-Radar Brands
Priscilla Tan Priscilla Tan Sep 4, 2024 —  11 min read

Promoting a new product is very challenging.

What should you write in the email? How do you show your product in the best light? What’s the best way to stand out in a crowded inbox? More importantly, how do you drive early sales and keep the momentum going?

We searched high and low for the best product launch emails (focusing on modest brands) and spoke to several ecommerce marketers to answer these questions.

This guide compiles some of our favorites.

What all high-converting product launch emails have in common

Effective product launch emails drive early sales and maintain momentum.

So, what elements should you incorporate in your emails to accomplish this? Based on our experience, it boils down to:

  1. Clear product overview: High-performing product launch campaigns lead with value and convey relevant details at a glance (e.g., what the product does in the email subject line)
  2. Hyper personalization: 73% of customers expect better personalization. Brands that tailor their product emails to their target customer see higher sales.
  3. Eye-catching product visuals: Successful emails visualize products in the best light, creating desire in customers.
  4. Benefits backed up by features: Smart brands show their new product or features in action to help shoppers envision how it improves their lives.
  5. Attractive call-to-action (CTA) buttons: The best product launch emails make people desire what's behind the button. Focus on specificity and instant gratification (e.g., “grab my exclusive pair today”) to get those clicks!
  6. Product launch email sequence: A product launch announcement email isn't one and done. Set up a drip sequence (e.g., teaser email > official launch > booster/post-launch) to drive early sales and gain traction.

7 Fantastic product launch emails that got our stamp of approval

Product launch emails take on various forms: feature announcements, pre-order emails, and future sales emails.

This guide mainly focuses on new product release emails.

Keep scrolling, even if that's not what you're creating. Most of these tactics are applicable in other emails as well.

1. Irresistible Me

New product launch email announcement by Irresistible Me

Stylish wigs take center stage in our first product launch email example. By placing the pricing of its hair product upfront, Irresistible Me fosters trust and demonstrates confidence in its quality.

What we like in bullet points:

  • Transparency! Irresistible Me immediately shares the starting price for its wigs above the fold, qualifying customers right off the bat.
  • Noticeable free shipping and returns at the top of the email
  • Visually appealing and clutter-free layout
  • Stunning image of a model sporting different wigs, plus with different colors and styles that flatter all face shapes
  • Multiple CTA buttons that appeal to audiences with different interests (e.g., “See More!” for curious shoppers, “Shop New Launch!” for ready-to-buy shoppers)
  • $30 discount to sweeten the pot
  • Impressive social proof at the footer. The multiple coverage feature on popular publications boosts credibility.

What we think can be improved:

Nothing! This email ticks all the boxes.

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Turn a primary CTA into different variations to generate more clicks (e.g., Explore the new collection, Buy now, Find my perfect fit, etc.).

“CTAs are not just buttons,” explains the email marketing specialist at Irresistible Me. “They're opportunities for your audience to engage further with your brand.”

Using multiple CTAs also prevents you from sounding repetitive as you’re appealing to shoppers across different stages of the funnel.

2. Little Planet by Carter’s

Little Planet winter fabrics – new product line launch email announcement

Products look and feel more attractive when email design is on point. Note how Little Planet uses visual hierarchy to direct focus to where it matters: high-quality organic clothing for your little ones.

What we like in bullet points:

  • Eye-catching visuals of adorable babies wearing beautifully made clothes. With the baby looking straight at the camera, it creates a connection with shoppers viewing the photo.
  • Evocative copy that elicits emotions and communicates value (e.g., “heirloom-worthy pieces” speaks of lovely clothing that you’ll want to preserve and pass down to future generations)
  • Clean, well-organized layout that categorizes different products
  • Unique benefits highlighted in various parts of the email. For example, the zoomed in photo of corduroy shows the softness and comfort.
  • SMS call-out that strategically targets subscribers already invested in Little Planet’s brand and products

What we think can be improved:

Use a bigger and darker font to draw more attention to the free shipping perk. The original white text against the green background is barely noticeable unless you squint your eyes.

A great example is Irresistible Me.

Notice how it draws eyes to its free shipping and returns without detracting attention from the new wigs?

That's what you want to do with these “click boosters.”

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Convert your email list to SMS subscribers.

With 73% of marketers saying text messaging drives incremental revenue for their businesses, consider combining both email and SMS to increase the chances of subscribers converting to customers.

To collect more phone numbers, offer an incentive, such as a discount, free shipping, or a mystery gift.

3. Public Goods

Public Goods email announcing the release of a new product – chocolate bars

Public Good grabs sweet-toothed folks’ attention with its newest fair trade organic dark chocolate bars. This product launch email is a visually scrumptious feast.

What we like in bullet points:

  • Clean, minimalist layout with a consistent color scheme. Visual consistency improves brand recognition, so much so that 84% of consumers believe design consistency across all touchpoints reinforces a brand's credibility.
  • Benefits of ingredients highlighted in each chocolate (e.g., turmeric for joints and digestive system) to target a growing number of health-conscious consumers
  • Unmissable orange banner at the end that encourages subscribers to join as members. Public Goods cuts to the chase with membership perks through the use of icons.

What we think can be improved:

Nothing! This email ticks all the boxes.

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Include your product benefits to convince shoppers on the fence.

While key features lay out the specification of your product and target shoppers at a high stage of awareness, benefits help customers further up in the funnel visualize their desired outcomes.

💡 For best results, according to copywriters, put your “best and biggest” benefit in the header and bullet copy.

4. Lofi Girl

Lofi Girl new product collection email announcement

Lofi Girl scores high points for weaving a story into its email. It captures what subscribers want after a long day at work: chilling with a video game, alongside an adorable pup and a feel-good playlist.

What we like in bullet points:

  • First photo of plush and print helps subscribers envision how both products elevate their home
  • Power words and phrases that increase perceived value (e.g., museum-grade, collector-worthy)
  • Relevant add-ons at the end of the email to cross- and upsell subscribers

What we think can be improved:

Show how much shoppers stand to save with the bundle deals.

As mentioned earlier, by putting the cost of your product front and center, you boost transparency, demonstrate confidence, and create an overall better experience.

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Cross- or upsell email subscribers to increase your average order value using an email marketing suite like Getsitecontrol.

Using an extensive library of professional templates, you can easily set up a product launch email campaign and customize it to fit your unique brand within minutes.

For example, here’s how it might look when you display shoppable cards in your emails. Click +Insert > Product Cards.

Adding product cards to an email in Getsitecontrol

In the product cards settings, click +Add product and enter the product URL link you want to assign to the card.

Next, fill in the remaining product details.

Designing shoppable product card in a new product launch email, using Getsitecontrol

Style the product cards and rest of the email accordingly.

Click Save & close when you’re done.

5. Sunnystep

Sunnystep new product launch email example

Disney fans will be chuffed to bits with this email from Sunnystep. Watch how it plays up the denim blue Mickey Mouse shoes against the cool yellow background and vibrant graphics.

📝 Fun fact: Sunnystep sent a pre-launch email to tease subscribers, reiterating our point earlier about setting up a product launch email drip sequence!

What we like in bullet points:

  • Fun, vibrant visual that matches Disney's family-friendly brand
  • Air of exclusivity. Sunnystep is the only store in Singapore to collaborate with Disney, making it an obvious choice for local fans.
  • Multiple photos to show different angles of the shoe, which help shoppers make an informed decision

What we think can be improved:

Place the exclusive collaboration in a prominent position. It'll drive home the product’s unique selling proposition (USP).

For example, a bright “Only at Sunnystep” text overlay icon at the bottom left of the first image. Or next to the “Limited Edition Collection” label to instill urgency.

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Showcase your product's USP right away.

Whether it's a money-back guarantee, eco-friendly materials, or natural ingredients, don’t bury it! Doing so risks subscribers who don't scroll all the way to the end missing it.

A better approach is to highlight it in the subject line to stand out in the inbox and above the fold in your email to maintain interest.

6. Eden + Elie

EDEN + ELIE Spirit of Place new product collection announcement

EDEN + ELIE shines a light at its Spirit of Place Collection, an exquisitely curated jewelry capsule co-created with Selling Sunset star Amanza Smith.

What we like in bullet points:

  • Clean layout and minimal design that bring focus to the stunning jewelry pieces
  • Vivid, descriptive copy. For example, the paragraph ”…ever-crashing waves against the shore…limitless expanse of blue…” evokes emotion in beach and ocean lovers.
  • Persuasive social proof. The photos of influencers and TV personalities wearing the jewelry pieces increase the perceived value by tenfold.
  • Different CTAs (e.g., New In, Bestsellers) at the footer to capture different interests

What we think can be improved:

Feature a quote from Amanza Smith (sourced from the official press release) to share how the once-in-a-lifetime collaboration came about. Not only does this add a personal touch, but it also speaks volume about EDEN + ELIE's exclusive pieces.

How you can apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Share what happens behind the scenes.

One of the top things consumers want to see more from brands on social is information about how products are made or sourced. Consider weaving it into your product launch email to give email subscribers a peek at how your product came to life.

7. Helumi

Helumi new product launch email announcement

Helumi is a one-woman ecommerce brand known for its “cute and uber-functional planners.”

The product photos are on the scrappy end, but with the glowing user reviews and bundle savings, it’s compelling enough to entice shoppers to click the order button.

What we like in bullet points:

  • Zoomed in shots of embossed journal cover and handwritten entries. With this product in action, customers can easily visualize what it's like to have this three-minute journal in their lives.
  • Testimonials that show how easy it is to reflect, regulate emotions, and track habits — all in one journal
  • Gift bundle deal (three journals for 10% off) and planner stickers collection to cross- and upsell shoppers

What we think can be improved:

  • Minor layout issues (e.g., add a divider block between each testimonial to boost readability, increase padding above gift bundle deal's CTA button to improve alignment)
  • Social proof paired with a customer's headshot to add human touch

How to apply this tactic in your product launch email:

Spotlight how customers use your product (or MVP), focusing on their experience, benefits, or outcome achieved.

Locate customer reviews in these places:

  • User reviews (via apps like Judge.me)
  • Community groups and forums (e.g., Reddit)
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Support emails
  • Social media (i.e., user-generated content)

And drop them a quick message to get their permission

4 More Practices for Top-Performing Product Launch Email Campaigns

What other tactics can you implement to increase sales for a new product? Here are four additional ideas worth exploring.

1. Use quizzes to collect more customer data

Quizzes help you understand customer buying preferences in a fun way.

These multiple-choice questions work by tagging customers before sending them personalized emails based on the information they share.

Instead of the entire email list, you're reaching out to a specific customer segment who expressed interest with a tailored recommendation.

“This means every customer won't get every email, which is fine,” explains Gabriel A. Mays, co-founder and CEO of POPSMASH, a Shopify quiz app.

Companies that excel at personalization drive 40% more revenue. If you tailor your emails according to customers’ interest, adds A. Mays, they're more likely to open them.

“They also convert more often, because the emails are more relevant.”

Note how this product launch email recommends a specific coffee creamer based on the customer's favorite season (fall) and activity (reading).

New product launch email generated for a F&B company, based on the results of a quizz

Created for an F&B ecommerce store, the email even expanded on the subscriber’s favorite author and suggested a similar book they might enjoy.

It took months to build the data before the store could reuse the email for future campaigns.

The effort paid off.

In the end, the duo generated a 2X higher open rate and 3.4X higher conversions.

2. Send a booster email after 24-48 hours

New product launches fizzle out eventually.

To capitalize on the early excitement, send a booster email 24-48 hours after the official launch email.

Why 24-48 hours?

“We found that it's the ideal time for most of our audience to engage with the first email,” says Zach Daneett, co-founder of Tumble.

When the home furnishing ecommerce store added a booster email within this timeframe for its new faux fur spill-proof rugs, open rate increased from 20% to 35%, leading to more sales.

“The main goal is to remind customers they're one of the first to access this new product.”

This approach, according to Daneett, also gives your email another chance to be seen, especially by subscribers who missed the first launch email but are still interested in your new offer.

Use a slightly different angle in the booster email’s subject line to keep it fresh.

For example, here’s how it might look for a new spill-proof, waterproof keyboard:

  • Official launch email: Meet Our New Waterproof Keyboard
  • Booster email after 24-48 hours: Spills? No Problem. Our New Keyboard is Waterproof

You can use an email marketing suite like Getsitecontrol to set up a drip sequence like this. Easily set triggers and conditions of your choice, and leave the rest to the app.

3. Offer one-click checkout

Express checkout tools like Shop Pay let shoppers purchase with a single click.

Since everything is pre-filled at checkout, customers don't need to re-enter their payment information whenever they make a new order.

This friction-free and seamless checkout process often sees more customers buying, so much so that when Cafely implemented it in its recent product launch emails, conversion rates rose to 15%.

Opt for an email marketing service that natively integrates with an express checkout tool.

You'll likely see a significant increase in conversions.

4. Find your optimal timing

When’s the best time to send emails so customers are more likely to see them?

Research points at 9 am to 12 pm. However, we think your best bet is to conduct an A/B test and analyze which has the highest open rate.

That should help you pinpoint the best time to send your emails.

Create your product launch emails on Getsitecontrol today

Your first product launch email campaign doesn’t need to be difficult.

Try these tactics to drive early sales and keep the momentum going.

To recap, here’s what you should do today:

  • Appeal to shoppers across different stages of the funnel with multiple CTAs
  • Build your SMS list by offering email subscribers an incentive
  • Place your best and biggest benefit in the header and bullet copy
  • Cross- or upsell with relevant products to increase average order value
  • Showcase your product's USP right away—don’t bury it!
  • Give shoppers a peak at what happens behind the scenes (e.g., production, launch party)
  • Spotlight how customers use your product, focusing on their experience, benefits, or outcome achieved.
  • Use quizzes to collect more customer data, and use it to create more personalized emails
  • Send a booster email 24-48 hours after the first product launch email
  • Offer one-click checkout for a seamless shopping experience
  • Find your optimal timing to increase visibility

And watch out for the increase in sales over time.

Priscilla writes product-led and comparison posts for mar- and salestech companies. 36.7% of her articles rank on the first page of the SERPs.

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