Offer discount coupons on Shopify product pages

Nina De la Cruz Nina De la Cruz 5 min read

Nothing encourages customers to make a purchase more than discounts. But what’s the most efficient way to offer a discount coupon?

A lot of Shopify store owners will say it’s popups.

In this quick guide, we’ll show you how to display a discount coupon on Shopify and allow customers to apply it upon button click. You’ll be able to place special offers sitewide or on selected product pages based on various conditions, such as:

  • product vendor
  • cart total amount
  • number of items in the cart
  • and many more!

To offer a discount, you can use Getsitecontrol sticky bars, slide-ins, or modal popups like this one:

Once a customer hits the button, the discount coupon will be automatically applied to their cart and the popup will close.

Want to implement this scenario in your store? Below, we’ll show you how to do that.

Before you get started, you’ll need to install Getsitecontrol on your website. Find Getsitecontrol in the Shopify app store and hit Install to start your free trial. Then follow the steps from the guide below.

Step 1. Select a popup template

The fastest way to get started is by picking a template from the popup gallery designed for Shopify. Click through the templates to see them in action until you find the one that meets your requirements.

Getsitecontrol popup template gallery for Ecommerce

Once you find a popup you like, follow the prompts on the right-hand side to add it to your Getsitecontrol dashboard.

Step 2. Customize the copy and design

On the first screen you can change the offer description, text on the action button, and design. Just click on the elements you want to change and proceed with your adjustments.

How to create a discount offer popup in Getsitecontrol dashboard

Step 3. Select the discount code to apply

Your goal is to let customers apply the automatic discount coupon upon a button click, right?

To implement that, you need to create a discount code in your Shopify dashboard and assign it to the button on the popup.

That’s quite easy! For starters, open your Shopify dashboard and go to Discounts:

How to create a discount coupon in Shopify dashboard

If you don’t have an existing discount code, create a new one. Ours is named OFF10 👆

Once the discount code is ready, you need to select the correct button-click action in the Getsitecontrol dashboard. To do that, click on the button text and find Action. Click + Add action and select ‘Apply discount’. Find the code you’ve created from the dropdown list and hit ‘Done’.

When your customers click the button, the coupon will be applied to the cart whether it contains items or not.

At this point, you can choose to redirect a customer straight to the shopping cart/checkout page or display a confirmation message and let them continue shopping. In the former case, select ‘Redirect to’ when setting up the button action, as illustrated in the video above. In the latter case, assign one more action to the button click: the one named ‘Submit.’

This way, when customers click on the button, two things will happen: the discount will be applied to their cart and the second page of the popup will open. You can use that second page to display the discount confirmation, suggest the next steps, or both.

Here is how to create the discount confirmation page.

Step 4. Create the confirmation page

Some templates designed to promote discounts already include a second page with a default confirmation message. In the dashboard, it’s Page 2. If your template has no second page, create it by clicking the ‘+’ sign.

Set your Shopify discount coupon to be applied to cart upon button click

Editing the second page is precisely the same as editing the first one: just click on the text and type your copy. If you choose to keep the default buttons, keep in mind that ‘CONTINUE SHOPPING’ is set to close the popup, and ‘GO TO CHECKOUT’ requires you to assign your checkout page URL to the button click.

Step 5. Decide where and when to show the discount coupon

The Targeting tab gives you full control of when your customers will see the popup. For example, you may only want to offer the discount under certain conditions, such as:

  • if a customer is viewing selected product pages
  • if a customer is interested in a certain vendor
  • if a customer removes an item from the cart
  • if the cart has reached a certain amount,
  • if a customer is heading to exit

In our use case, we only want to offer a discount code on a particular vendor brand if we notice that the customer is viewing products by that brand. To create this condition, scroll down to ‘Show widget to visitors if’ and apply ‘Product vendor’ — then select the vendor you want.

Create a second page to confirm that the discount has been applied to the cart

Now the discount offer will only pop up on the pages that contain products by the corresponding vendor.

Keep in mind that by default the offer will be displayed at once. However, you can choose a triggering condition, and display it when a customer:

  • starts heading to exit
  • removes an item from the cart
  • spends a certain amount of time in the store

To select the trigger, use the Start displaying the widget menu, and remember to also select the condition for when to stop displaying the widget to the same person — unless you want to offer the same discount repeatedly.

As soon as you set all the parameters, you can save and activate the widget. It will instantly go live in your store.

Offer discount coupons in exchange for an email subscription

Before we wrap this up, here is another idea. As a Shopify store owner, you can offer a discount coupon in exchange for an email subscription. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: you get a new subscriber and a sale!

Now, how should you go about delivering the coupon to the new subscribers? You have two options.

First, you can include the coupon code to the submission success message, so that the customers copy and paste it at checkout 👇

The second option is to send the discount code to their inbox using a welcome email or the Getsitecontrol autoresponder feature — an automatic message sent to new subscribers.

Start promoting discount and get more sales

Coupons have proven to drive more sales for ecommerce, so if you’re not promoting them in your store yet — it’s about time! With Getsitecontrol, you can do that using popups, email subscription popups, and even surveys.

Got any questions? Feel free to shoot us an email at

Nina De la Cruz is a content strategist at Getsitecontrol. She is passionate about helping small and medium ecommerce brands achieve sustainable growth through email marketing.

You’re reading Getsitecontrol usecase collection where we talk about the best practices for using website popups. This usecase is a part of Grow on Shopify section.

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