How to integrate widgets
with ActiveCampaign

How to integrate widgets
with ActiveCampaign

If you use ActiveCampaign for email marketing and Getsitecontrol forms to collect email addresses on your website, you can connect the two platforms to avoid manually exporting and importing data.

You’ll simply need to log in to your ActiveCampaign account and select the necessary list. Getsitecontrol will send all newly collected contacts to the selected list.

Follow the steps below to set up your ActiveCampaign integration.

1. Find Integrations tab

Open the form you want to connect to ActiveCampaign. From the top bar of the widget editor, switch to the Integrations tab.

The Integrations tab in the widget editor

2. Connect your Getsitecontrol account to ActiveCampaign

Under ‘Third party integrations’, click the +Add application link and choose ActiveCampaign from the drop-down list.

The third-party integration menu with the highlighted ActiveCampaign item

Next, enter your ActiveCampaign URL and API key.

Integration settings modal window with URL and API key fields

To find your URL and API key, log in to your ActiveCampaign account and open the settings at the bottom of the page. Switch to the ‘Developer’ tab and copy your URL and API key:

Developer tab in the ActiveCampaign settings

Once you have pasted the URL and API key in the Getsitecontrol integration settings, click Save. Now your accounts are connected.

3. Choose the list

Choose one of your existing ActiveCampaign lists to connect to the form. Getsitecontrol will automatically export the collected data to the list you select.

Selecting an existing ActiveCampaign mailing list

4. Map the form fields

Proceed to match the Getsitecontrol form fields to the fields in the selected ActiveCampaign list. Click the Map fields button to open the mapping menu:

The field mapping menu

Next, hit the {var} icon next to a source field. In the variable menu, select the form field to match with the ActiveCampaign field in the column on the right.

📌 To learn more about field mapping for third-party integrations, watch this video or read this guide.

After completing the field mapping, click Save. Then, hit Save & Close to finalize the form.

The setup is now complete. All new contacts will be automatically sent to the ActiveCampaign list you have specified.

You can connect your form to more than one third-party application. Click the + Add application link to add another integration for the current form.

If you have issues setting up your ActiveCampaign integration, or performing any other task, feel free to message us. Our Tech Support team will be happy to help you!

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