How to integrate widgets with 4000+ apps using Zapier

How to integrate widgets with 4000+ apps using Zapier

You want to integrate your Getsitecontrol widgets with a third-party service and we don’t provide a direct integration with it?

No problem! A Zapier integration is just what you were looking for.

Zapier is an integration platform that allows you to connect 4000+ web applications. You can use it to send the data collected by your Getsitecontrol widgets to any other supported app. Here you can find a complete list of all the apps that are compatible with Getsitecontrol.

To set up an integration, you need to choose the two apps you want to connect, and then select a ‘trigger’ and an ‘action’ for them. Triggers and actions are simply events. A ‘Zap’ (an integration between two apps) combines triggers and actions: whenever the trigger event occurs in app A (Getsitecontrol, in your case), Zapier automatically completes the action in app B (the third-party service of your choice).

There are currently two ways for you to create a Zap that involves Getsitecontrol: using existing Zap templates or creating your own Zap.

1. Use an existing Zap template

The fastest and easiest way for you to do it is by using one of the existing Zap templates. You can find them in the same page we referred to earlier, the one with all the Getsitecontrol integrations available. Here you can see some of the pre-made Getsitecontrol integrations:

Some of the available Zap templates

You can click Load more at the bottom of the page or use the Search function to find what you are looking for.

2. Create your own Zap

Creating a new integration using Zapier is also very easy. You can do it directly from your dashboard by following the steps below.

Find the Integrations tab

Open the widget you would like to connect to a third-party app via Zapier and choose the Integrations tab in the top bar:

The Integrations tab in the Getsitecontrol Dashboard

Open Zapier

Go to the bottom of the page and open the link provided:

The Integrations tab and the Zapier link

The Zapier’s site will open in a new window, click Connect Getsitecontrol to 4000+ apps:

The Getsitecontrol integrations page on Zapier’s site

Sign in to your Zapier account, or sign up if you don’t have one yet:

Zapier’s sign in page

Create a ‘trigger’

First, you need to set up the ‘trigger’ for your Zap, as already mentioned earlier. The only action available is New Submission, so you will need to add that to your trigger:

Trigger set up screen: choose App and Event

You will then be asked to log in to your Getsitecontrol account.

Some of the available Zap templates

Please, bear in mind that if you have signed up to Getsitecontrol using your Google account, and therefore you don’t have a password, you will need to set one up in the Profile section of your dashboard beforehand. Otherwise, you won’t be able to connect your Getsitecontrol account to Zapier.

Some of the available Zap templates

Some of the available Zap templates

After you have successfully logged in to your Getsitecontrol account, click Continue:

Successful log in to Getsitecontrol and Continue button

Now you’ll be asked to specify some more information about your trigger, namely the relevant website and widget in your Getsitecontrol account:

Trigger set up screen: trigger details

Next, Zapier will test your trigger by exporting an existing submission. Make sure that there is at least one recent submission of your widget. If there is not, create one yourself by filling out the widget on your website.

Test trigger screen

Set up the ‘action’ for your Zap

It’s now time to set up the so-called ‘action’, that is the app you want to connect Getsitecontrol to and what will happen in it when the ‘trigger’ is fired.

To do it, click the + icon at the bottom of the screen:

Completed trigger settings and + button

Find the app you want to connect to Getsitecontrol:

Action set up screen

Let’s use Google Sheets as an example. The following steps may differ slightly depending on the app you choose, but the process will be very similar. First, you need to choose an event:

Action set up screen: choose App and Event

After that, you will be asked to log in to your account:

Action set up screen: choose account for Google Sheets

You will be then asked to provide more details about your action. The fields will depend on the app you are integrating Getsitecontrol with.

Action set up screen: action details

Finally, you’ll have the opportunity to test the action, as an optional step:

Test action screen

And that’s it! Your Zapier integration is ready! Now every time a website visitor fills out your widget, the data will be automatically sent to the selected app.

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