How to receive instant notifications from your forms

How to receive instant notifications from your forms

You can receive email notifications when someone submits your opt-in or contact form or takes a survey. These notifications allow you to easily review submissions and respond to incoming requests and leads in no time.

Here’s how to set up notifications for your widget:

1. Sign in to Getsitecontrol

Sign in to your Getsitecontrol account. If you don’t have an account yet, create one.

2. Enable notifications

Find the necessary widget on the list and click the Edit button.

Getsitecontrol dashboard with the highlighted Edit button

Switch to the Notifications tab and click the Enable notifications checkbox.

Enable email notifications checkbox in the Notifications section

In the field below, enter the email address you want notifications to be sent to.

Email address added to the corresponding field

If you want to receive notifications to several addresses, just add them to the same field and separate them by commas.

Adding two email addresses for notifications

Click Save & close to save the changes.

That’s it! Now you’ll receive an email notification each time someone submits the form.

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