How to authenticate a domain with Namecheap

How to authenticate a domain with Namecheap

In this guide, you’ll learn how to add DNS records to your Namecheap domain settings. This will let you send emails via broadcasts and automations from your domain.

1. Open your domain settings

For starters, log in to your Namecheap account. Open the ‘Domain List’ section from the menu on the left and click the Manage button next to your domain.

The ‘Manage’ button in the ‘Domain list’ section of Namecheap

2. Add CNAME records for DKIM setup

Open the ‘Advanced DNS’ tab and click Add New Record.

The ‘Add new record’ button in the ‘Advanced DNS’ tab

Select CNAME Record from the ‘Type’ drop-down menu.

Enter in the ‘Host’ field.

Enter the ‘Value’ field.

Leave ‘TTL’ on ‘automatic’.

Example of CNAME record

Next, repeat the process for the second CNAME record: click Add New Record and select CNAME Record from the drop-down menu.

Enter in the ‘Host’ field.

Enter in the ‘Value’ field.

Leave ‘TTL’ on automatic.

Example of second CNAME record

3. Add TXT record for DMARC setup

Click Add New Record and select TXT Record from the ‘Type’ drop-down menu.

Enter in the ‘Host’ field.

Enter in ‘Value’ field.

Leave ‘TTL’ on automatic.

Example of TXT record (DMARC)

4. Add TXT record to verify domain ownership

Click Add New Record and select TXT Record from the ‘Type’ drop-down menu.

Enter @ in the ‘Host’ field.

Entering ‘@’ in the ‘Host’ field of a TXT record (domain ownership)

From the Getsitecontrol dashboard, copy the unique value under ‘Domain ownership’:

The unique value for the domain ownership record in the Getsitecontrol dashboard

Paste it into the ‘Value’ field in Namecheap. Leave ‘TTL’ on automatic.

Here’s the complete record:

Example of TXT record (domain ownership)

Finally, click Save All Changes.

The ‘Save all changes’ button

5. Verify the records

It usually takes about 30 minutes for the new records to take effect, so make sure to wait a bit before you try to verify them in Getsitecontrol.

To verify the records, go back to the ‘DNS records’ window in your Getsitecontrol dashboard and click Verify records:

The ‘Verify records’ button in the ‘DNS records’ window

And that’s it, the verification procedure is complete.

If you're having trouble authenticating your Namecheap domain, contact our Tech Support team. We’d be happy to help.

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