Getsitecontrol widgets for nonprofits

Did you know that Getsitecontrol tools are free for non-profit websites? We are proud to be working with hundreds of non-profit organizations from all over the world and helping them connect with their audience through their websites. Free website engagement tools are a small thing, but we are glad that in a small way we are helping these cause-driven organizations achieve their goals.
We’ve come to know some amazing organizations through this program. Today we would like to introduce you to some of them and showcase the widgets they are using on their websites. We hope it will give you ideas on how you can use Getsitecontrol widgets in new ways on your own website, either nonprofit or commercial one.
Mall Galleries, Federation of British Artists, UK
Mall Galleries is an Art Gallery based in Central London and the home of The Federation of British Artists — an Arts Charity comprising nine of the UK’s leading Art Societies. The Federation provides exhibition facilities and organises Open Art exhibitions for public viewing in the Mall Galleries. The Open Exhibitions provide opportunities for developing artists to exhibit alongside more established artists. Their education programme incorporates collaboration with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Mall Galleries and the Federation also operate an Art Consultancy and an Online Sales Platform — Buy Art | Buy Now as well as a Venue Hire operation to sell the Mall Galleries space to others wishing to organise exhibitions and events.
Here is what they say:
The Getsitecontrol widgets are amazing and extremely effective. We’ve seen newsletter subscriptions rise, users on our website sign up to our Friends Scheme and help to convert users to buyers on our online sales platform. We’ve also had fewer complaints about hard-to-find information regarding closing times.
Mall Galleries is using four different types of widgets on different pages of their website (we are always happy to see a customer using Getsitecontrol to its full potential!). They are running three popups:
- To let visitors know that Exhibitions are closing soon;
- To promote their Friends Scheme on the Exhibition Pages and have seen sign-ups from these;
- To promote a campaign over Easter to coincide with one of their artists presenting a programme called Painting the Holy Land on BBC1 which featured works they had for sale on the site — both sold after the show.
Email subscription popup, our most popular widget, is also used on their website. They use it to encourage people to sign up for their Call for Entries e-newsletters to let artists know about their Open Exhibitions and to encourage artwork sales via Buy Art | Buy Now to send e-newsletters to potential buyers.
There are also widgets encouraging website visitors to discover the social media profiles of the Art Societies that are part of the Federation of British Artists, including the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and Royal Institute of Oil Painters.
At the moment, there are 24 active widgets on the Mall Galleries website, but you will never see a page cluttered with widgets because each of them is targeted to specific pages of the website only. If you have multiple things to promote, remember that you can always use URL targeting to make sure promotions only appear on pages where they are relevant.
InSTEDD (Innovative Support To Emergencies Diseases and Disasters), US
InSTEDD is a Silicon Valley based nonprofit that designs, develops, and deploys open source technology worldwide for social good.
Here is what they say:
We chose Getsitecontrol because I wanted to easily communicate with visitors to our website, as they were on pages that interested them. I was looking for on-site widgets that could be easily customizable to the content on the page, and that simply worked. The widgets that we commonly use are conditional pop-ups that display on selected pages. I find this to be more effective than if a visitor clicks to the contact page, away from the page that they are browsing. Due to using these conditional widgets, we have found that we receive many more inquiries, and I feel that the user experience on the website is improved.
InSTEDD is using a number of Contact widgets targeted to different sections of their website and addressing questions a visitor might have on this particular page. We think it's a brilliant idea! Customizing the message to match the exact thing a person is looking at gives an impression of a real person talking to them and will definitely encourage them to send a message if they have any questions. You can check examples of such contact forms on their website here, here, here and here. See how it's basically the same form but the questions are customized to match the page content.
1901 Formation, France
1901 Formation is a French organization that provides training for people who want to work with disabled or aged people. They also provide free language courses for people who want to earn a degree in France but don't have good enough French reading and speaking skills to access professional training.
1901 Formation is using a Subscribe popup to collect emails on their website.
Here is what they say:
We use Getsitecontrol mainly to collect email addresses, so we can send useful information to people about their training rights. Training rights are very complicated in France, and a lot of people are not even aware that they can access free training which can greatly help them, so we try to inform about that. Social workers also register, because they need to be aware when any changes about training rights occur.
Our use of GSC is then mostly about two widgets: one appearing after 50% reading, and another one with exit intent. They are very useful, and above all, they provide good results: with the exit intent widget, we have two times more CTR than with the other one.
Configuring a newsletter subscription form to appear on exit is definitely a good idea. This way, visitors are offered to subscribe right before they leave the website. “Are you leaving? Want to stay in touch?” is a question that feels natural. It's a great way to get email subscribers without being overly obtrusive.
If you want to learn how to create an exit-intent opt-in form, check this guide.
We would like to say a huge thank you to these three customers for letting us share their experience and hope you have found the examples useful. If you are managing a nonprofit website yourself, don't hesitate to contact us to receive your free Getsitecontrol subscription.
Nina De la Cruz is a content strategist at Getsitecontrol. She is passionate about helping small and medium ecommerce brands achieve sustainable growth through email marketing.
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