12 Order Bump Examples to Inspire You to Create Your Own

12 Order Bump Examples to Inspire You to Create Your Own
Nina De la Cruz Nina De la Cruz Jul 26, 2024 —  9 min read

Unless you own a one-product store, there’s almost always an opportunity to offer order bumps.

But how do you offer them to your customers without coming across as pushy?

To help you come up with ideas, we’ve looked at 12 brands in different business niches and put together a collection of order bump examples.

But first, let’s answer a quick question.

What is an order bump and how is it different from a cross-sell?

Order bumps are an example of cross-selling. Just like cross-sells, order bumps are designed to help you increase your average order value by recommending related items.

However, there are a couple of nuances that make order bumps different from other cross-selling tactics.

For one, order bumps are presented at the point of purchase – usually in the shopping cart or right before customers start to checkout.

Second, order bumps are more precisely tailored to the product selected by a customer; customers should be able to add the bump to the cart in one click. Finally, order bumps are low-priced and low-risk items that don’t require a lot of analysis from the customer to make a purchase decision.

Consider Barnes & Noble as an example. When you add a paper book to your cart in their online store, up pops a suggestion to add a book light too:

Pop-up order bump example from Barnes & Noble

Now, you can compare this offer to the general cross-selling section on the Barnes & Noble website. Like in most online stores, it’s named “You may also like” 👇

Cross-selling section example in the Barnes & Noble online store – compared to the order bump

Compared to the order bump, this section is less personalized, it provides no quick way to add the recommended books to the cart, and it requires more effort to make a purchase decision.

Now that you know the difference, let’s see how other ecommerce businesses use order bumps on their websites.

11 Order bump examples from different business niches

Feel free to jump to the category you’re most interested in:

Order bump examples from jewelry stores

Some of the most common order bump examples in jewelry stores include:

  • complementary pieces from the same collection,
  • cleaning sets,
  • chain extenders,
  • storage accessories.

Let’s see what it looks like in real jewelry stores.

Blue Nile

Blue Nile has a large collection of gemstone jewelry, so they offer low-priced cleaning products as order bumps in the shopping cart:

Order bump example featuring jewelry cleaning products

This example follows all the best order bump practices. Here is what you can learn from it:

  • Recommendations appear in the shopping cart, right before customers initiate checkout
  • Each order bump has a clear title and price tag (plus, notice the “i” tags that display product details upon click)
  • The suggested products are low-priced and low-risk, so it’s easy to make a purchase decision
  • Customers can add the bumps to the cart with a click

Not all stores follow the same approach, so let’s have a look at two more websites in this category.


NUE HOOPS offers a variety of order bumps right in the slide cart as soon as you pick a product you want to purchase. Their recommendations include a spare gold charm clip and a charm that goes well with the product in the cart:

NUE HOOPS offers a spare gold charm clip as an order bump in the slide cart

What makes this example memorable is the added value of the offer. “Top up your bag for free delivery,” — says their tagline, and it sounds much more encouraging than a simple “You may also like” – because free delivery is a strong incentive.

Tini Lux

Tini Lux displays order bumps both in the slide cart and on the shopping cart page; this brand’s selection includes a jewelry organizer and a donation:

Tini Lux offers a jewelry organizer and a donation as order bumps

What makes this example stand out is the eye-catching action buttons.

As an online store owner, you never want to interrupt the checkout process. That’s why having a clear way to add the recommended items to the cart without leaving the page is one of the most important order bump practices.

You must provide shoppers with a clear, single-click way to add the bump to the cart without interrupting checkout.

Besides, Tini Lux shows a great, unobtrusive way to collect donations for the cause you care about. So if your company participates in charity, you might want to borrow a page from their book.

Order bump examples from food and beverage stores

Some of the most common order bumps used by food and beverage companies are:

  • complementary products,
  • drinking accessories,
  • food samples,
  • new or popular flavors.

Let’s see how the following two companies are using these tactics to increase their average order value.

Crockpot Creations

Crockpot Creations is a meal kit delivery company, and their order bump pops up on the shopping cart page, right before you start the checkout process:

Order bump example from a meal delivery company

The combination of copy and design makes this offer bump undismissible. If your brand is also built around self-indulgence, you can follow this example and play with the wording when offering extra items to your customers.

That being said, if we could improve one thing about this offer, we’d mention the price of the brownies to make the final cart cost clear and predictable.

Chamberlain Сoffee

Chamberlain Сoffee is a coffee and matcha brand, and it displays two order bump options in the shopping cart:

Order bumps in the Chamberlain Coffee store

Note that in this case, order bumps are presented as “Emma’s Current Picks” – recommendations by the brand founder herself.

Social proof is a powerful conversion driver. Consider using star ratings or even quotes from your customers when describing your order bumps.

Order bump examples from fashion stores

Creating an efficient order bump for a fashion store might be a bit more challenging because it’s hard to recommend fashion items without knowing the customer’s preferences. That’s why most brands recommend accessories or low-cost items from their essential’s collections, such as underwear, socks, or t-shirts.

Below are two examples you can learn from.


Monos is a luggage and travel apparel brand. Like their apparel collections, Monos’ order bumps are designed for frequent travelers seeking comfort during long trips. The selection includes an ergonomic water bottle and a toiletry case:

Order bump example from Monos, a travel apparel brand

Unlike most examples, Monos allows you to select the color, size, and material of the recommended items right there, on the recommendation cards. This approach prevents shoppers from leaving the cart, which is great, however, we’d suggest featuring prices to make the offers more informative and overcome the fear of an unexpectedly high cost.

True classic

True classic is a men’s clothing brand that specializes in stylish, budget-friendly t-shirts. Their order bumps are presented as “must-haves” and feature essential pieces, such as socks and underwear:

Order bump example from a clothing store named True Classic

Like many other brands, True Classic offers a selection of order bumps, however, instead of showing all of them at once, they let shoppers focus on one recommendation at a time.

Instead of offering a long list of options your customers may like, focus on offering fewer items to minimize the risk of distraction.

The reason why you want to avoid offering too many products as order bumps is the notorious analysis paralysis. Given that your customers are approaching the end of their purchase journey, you want to avoid distracting them with yet another selection.

Order bump examples from beauty stores

Beauty and cosmetics brands have latitude in recommending related products to their customers. Their order bump offers often sound like this:

  • “Try it now” (when offering low-cost travel size or sample size products)
  • “Complete the set” (when offering complementary products)
  • “Explore the collection” (when offering products from the same collection or line)

However, when you have this latitude, it can be tricky to ensure that your recommendations are relevant. Let’s see how beauty brands like ULTA and Nood go about it.


ULTA is a renowned beauty brand with a wide selection of products for various purposes and audience segments. ULTA is also an excellent example of how crucial relevancy is, when it comes to order bumps:

ULTA is a beauty brand actively using order bumps in their online store

The recommendations in the slide cart are not selected randomly. They’re closely related to the main product in the cart, which is a skincare and pore cleansing set. Had a customer selected a different product, they would have received completely different recommendations:

ULTA recommends products from the same line as order bumps

Relevancy is key, so if your store has a wide range of product lines, the best practice would be to create relevant order bumps for each.


Nood is a hair removal brand, and they have a more proactive approach to offering order bumps. As soon as you add their hair removal device to the cart, up pops an offer to get a complementary skin care product at a 30% discount:

Nood uses a modal popup to offer an order bump

At a glance, this example follows most of the order bump best practices: there’s an image and description of the recommended product, the price is clear, and adding it to the cart is a matter of just one click. Besides, it’s a limited-time discount offer, so there’s an additional incentive to accept it.

Order bump examples from gardening and plant stores

The pandemic’s gardening trend is standing strong, and one piece of evidence to prove that is the growing number of businesses selling home garden equipment and live plants. If you’re in this niche, here are some order bump examples to consider:

  • plant growth supplements,
  • gardening accessories
  • potting mix
  • gifting options
  • subscription for timely supplement delivery

Here is how brands like The Sill and Lively Root are bumping customers’ orders in their stores 👇

The Sill

The Sill is a plant delivery brand targeting beginner plant owners. Their selection of order bumps includes essential accessories designed to ensure that the plant will thrive:

The Sill offers order bumps relevant to the plant a customer has selected

In addition to the generic recommendations that are relevant to any indoor plant, The Sill includes a recommendation that is specifically related to the plant selected by the customer. In this case, it’s a pole to support climbing plants like Monstera.

💡If you’re offering a selection of order bumps, you don’t have to tailor it to each product entirely. Instead, you can leave recommendations that will be relevant to most customers and tailor just one bump based on the product in the cart.

Lively Root

Lively root is a noteworthy example because their order bump offers adjust if a product is a gift. For instance, when a customer checks the “This is a gift” box, they’re recommended to add a reusable gift wrap and a plant pick with a message:

Lively root offers gift-related order bumps

These order bumps are examples of well-thought-through recommendations. When a customer is gift shopping, they aren’t the one who will be using the product, so recommending plant supplements or accessories might look irrelevant. On the other hand, gift-related recommendations look reasonable and appropriate.

You can use gift-related order bumps regardless of what you’re selling. Just let your customers indicate they’re gift-shopping and adjust recommendations accordingly.

How to add order bumps to an online store

You’ve just seen 12 examples of order bumps, and I hope it has helped you start generating your own ideas.

Of course, apart from understanding what you’re going to recommend to your customers, you should also understand how you’re going to display these recommendations.

Whichever website platform you’re using – such as WordPress, Wix, and Bigcommerce – you can start by exploring your store theme. Some themes may have the order bump option already built-in, so you’ll only need to tweak a couple of settings. Alternatively, you can hire a developer to help you modify the code of your theme.

However, you can also look for dedicated apps and plugins that can help you create order bumps.

If your website is on Shopify, you can use Getsitecontrol popups to offer order bumps in the shopping cart. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

TL;DR Order bump best practices

Before wrapping up, let’s recap the best practices that will help you create a well performing order bump:

  1. Pick low-cost and low-risk products to offer as order bumps. The purchase decision should be easy to make.
  2. Make your offer clear. That implies a high-quality picture of the product, along with its description and price.
  3. Communicate additional value. Will it help your customers get free shipping if they accept your offer? Is the item you’re suggesting on sale this week? Does it increase the effect from the selected product when used together?
  4. Have a noticeable action button and make it easy to add the suggested product to the cart. There should be no need to leave the current page to accept your offer.
  5. You can go beyond offering a single product and have a selection of 2-3 items offered as order bumps. However, you want to keep the number of products to the minimum to prevent analysis paralysis.

Now go ahead and start crafting your own offer! And if you’re hesitant about choosing the right product, just run a split test and see what customers are more inclined to accept. Have fun!

Nina De la Cruz is a content strategist at Getsitecontrol. She is passionate about helping small and medium ecommerce brands achieve sustainable growth through email marketing.

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